Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Have You Had Enough Yet?

Good Evening Folks:

It's Cinco de Mayo and I could not fathom being in a crowded hangout, jockeying for position at the bar, so I took a pass on the social scene tonight and decided to be constructive and do some writing instead. (Wow, that was a long run-on sentence). Anyway.

The thought for the day is: God's shoulder tap. Is it His way of asking "Have you had enough yet?"

Every now and again something will happen that makes me shake my head and pose the question to no one in particular "Why me?" "Why is this happening?" "Why do I have to go through this?" After quiet contemplation I arrived at the following: These little instances are God's way of tapping me on my shoulder and asking me "Have you had enough yet?"

Have you had enough of doing it your way? Have you had enough of this when I want you to do that? Have you had enough of the life you're living instead of the life I've planned for you? Have you had enough of being a follower when I want you to be a leader? Have you had enough of being an employee when your destiny is to be an entrepreneur? Have you had enough yet?

So the next time you find yourself walking around and scratching your head trying to figure out what the heck is going on in your life -- STOP -- and ask yourself: Is God tapping me on my shoulder? And have I had enough yet?

This wouldn't be complete without a quote and boy oh boy do I have a doosie for you. Ready? Here we go... (thanks for sharing this one Tia).

"Discernment gives us a proper frame of reference, a definite line separating good and evil. It acts as an umpire in life and blows the whistle on the spurious. It’s as particular as a pathologist peering into a microscope. Discernment picks and chooses its dates with great care. It doesn’t fall for fakes…or flirt with phonies…or dance with deceivers…or kiss counterfeits good night." Charles R. Swindoll

I know you're gonna have to read that one a couple of times...I sure did. It's a good one, isn't it?

In closing I'll leave you with this. Don't let God's should tap turn into a pimp slap. Does God DO pimp slaps? Whew. I think I already have subject matter for my next entry. (smile)

Goodnight to all...and to all a good night.
