Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stop Biting off More Than You Can Chew.

Hello Peoples:

I hope you all had a wonderful Wednesday. Even though I didn't sleep much last night (get your mind out of the gutter), today turned out a lot better than I expected. For starters, on my way into the office, a 25 year old pulled up next to me at a red light and chatted me up. Lucky for him I'm no cradle robber (smile). Since I'm old enough to be that boy's momma I sped off with a wave of my hand and a beep of my horn and kept it pushin'. I also received some really inspiring feedback about this new blog -- needless to say that made my day. Thus the smile on my face now as I click away on these keys.

I have a friend in Cali, her name is Ketai, and she has this saying: "If you can't FEED the baby, then don't HAVE the baby." Although she means this in it's most literal sense, I on the other hand have added my own little warped spin to it. I'm a little twisted. What can I say?

I look at it like this...If you're not ready for "it" (whatever your "it" may be), then leave "it" where "it" is. Meaning, you shouldn't accept the challenge if you're not certain you can handle it. Quit standing in line for seconds when you still have uneaten food on your plate. And last but not least, don't let your mouth write a check your behind can't cash. You feel me?

As human beings we are self-centered (put the baseball bats down people, I'm talking about myself here) and selfish. We want it all -- brand new socks AND draws. But sometimes we're not ready or capable of taking on everything that our eyes covet and our hearts desire. It takes quite a bit of willpower to just sit still until the time is right. If it's truly meant for you it will be there. No need in you running over to collect and hoard every little thing you lay eyes on, especially when you might not be in a position to HOLD ONTO IT.

I came across this next bit on my Facebook page today. It's contibuted by Charles E. Flowers III and it quips: Be careful when it comes to what you want and what you need. Chasing what you want can leave you needing much more than you can afford.

Now that's a gem if I've ever read one.

Tomorrow is a new day. Another chance to do something pleasing in God's sight. Another chance to get it right.

Good night folks.
