Monday, May 11, 2009

Who the Heck is Corrie Ten Boom? Anybody???

Hello Good People:

I haven't blogged for 2 days and I am starting to have withdrawal symptoms. I hope you all had a splendiferous weekend. Mine was mild but very interesting (more on this later).

After my Friday night fiasco of losing all that I typed, I almost chucked my laptop out onto the patio, but I’ve decided to not hold a grudge against the SAVE button (and my jacked up memory for failing to click said button) and get on with it.

I came across a juicy tidbit on my FB (facebook) page today and it sums up EXACTLY how I feel, so I will let this be my jumping off point today: "When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer." Corrie Ten Boom

Now, I have no freakin' idea who Corrie Ten Boom is, but that little nugget stopped me dead in my tracks when I read it.

I am not a patient person.
I am not a patient person.
I am not a patient person.
(working on this)

I'm the kinda chick who doesn't INSTINCTIVELY trust the engineer. I'm the kinda chick who first yells and screams at the top of her lungs: IT'S DARK. WHAT'S GOING ON? HURRY UP AND GET ME OUTTA HERE!!! Then I do a reality check and say to myself "Self, get it together. You are not running the show. Just get in, sit down, shut up and hold on. Everything is going to be just peachy."

That's sad isn't it? (Smiling) Well at least I acknowledge MY faults...can you say the same? LOL

Corrie Ten Boom is talking about FAITH. Simply put, faith is the belief in something or someone unseen. If I don't trust the engineer then that means I'm lacking faith. How uncool is that?

Have you checked your faith levels lately? Are you running on full, half or empty? Is something happening in your life that is testing your faith in the engineer? How are you going to handle the situation? Will you sit still and know that the engineer knows what He is doing and know that He will get you through? Or will you first scream like a banshee and cut up like I have a tendency to do (from time to time)?

Let's get it together people. Let's check the nonsense at the door and let the engineer do His thang. I'm learning as I go that when I trust in Him the train ride is a smooth journey, the dark tunnel will have light at the end of it and when I arrive at my destination I will be exactly where I'm supposed to be.

(((((((hugs))))))) if you need one.