Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hello Peoples.

My bad (and a self-inflicted slap on the wrist) for not writing sooner. I’ve been a little busy with my side hustle. I’ve recently started acting as a talent manager for Terry Cummings, retired baller, now R&B singer and I have been busy as heck. Sorry for neglecting my post.

There was a tidbit from Rev Run a week or so ago that read: “WANT MORE? Big jobs usually go to those who out grew their small jobs! Remember, nobody's giving gallon jobs to half pint people!” With my newly added side gig I guess I’ve outgrown my present status and am moving towards my future status, which brings me to my “inspirational vitamin” for last week (thanks for that phrase Stallion).

Weekly Thought: “You can’t use the PAST to fill what’s missing in the PRESENT.”

How many of us spend time focusing on what was? Dwelling on hurt feelings, licking old wounds, bringing up old $#&%, crying over missed opportunities, looking for old loves and regretting past mistakes…you know, basically wishing for a “do-over”. It’s kinda like you missed your life calling and wishing it would call back (smile).

Be happy TODAY...focus on TODAY...relish TODAY...appreciate TODAY...live for TODAY and then look forward to TOMORROW and all that might come with it, whether it be rainbows or thunderstorms. Now, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t reflect on what was (then keep it pushin folks). You gotta learn from your past or you’ll keep repeating that same old tune, which will eventually turn into an old broken record. Trust me on this. I know.

Today is a new day. Another chance to get it right. Another chance to do something pleasing in God’s sight. Tomorrow is not promised and yesterday is a wrap, so let’s get it going people!!! How will you make it better TODAY?!? I promise you, as soon as you let go of all that WAS you will clearly see all that IS. It’s right in front of your face. Pop in those contacts, clean off your glasses or better yet, just OPEN YOUR EYES.

In closing, let’s have a moment of silence for the PAST. (all heads bowed, all eyes closed) Amen.

Laugh, Love and LIVE.
