Monday, August 31, 2009

Forty and Fabulous

What a title huh?!? Sigh...well, keeping in line with my thoughts as of late IIWII. That my dear readers means: It is what it is.

Those of you who know me personally, and love me ANYWAY, know that I can toss the F word better than Vick, McNabb, Romo or Culpepper can throw a pigskin and I do so frequently and with abandon! Apologies if I've offended thine ears.

They say (and don't ask me who 'they' are) that when you turn forty everything changes. I'm here to tell you - I'm on day 19 of being newly 40 -- things in the game done changed and I'm lovin every minute of it.

Although I've never been one to shy away from a good set of Wahl clippers, I have been rocking a mega weave for almost a year now and at one point (before the big 4-0) I was having withdrawl symptoms if I wasn't able to get it tightened up on a regular. I had to grab ahold of myself and quick, 'cause Niko Grey cannot and will not let some hair (especially someone elses) run thangs up in here (lol). Needless to say, I've recently cut off all my hair -- the $500 weave and my own and damn if I don't look good either way! (wink)

I've also never been one to rely heavily on the words of others, although as a human being, I'd be lying if I said others opinions of me hadn't made me think (not act) differently about my actions from time to time. However, these past fews days I've had a revelation: I don't care what you think of me or say about me or to me. In fact, I'm thinking of making a t-shirt that reads: SNITCHES DON'T LIKE ME (and I don't care).

Forty is liberating. It's an excellent excuse to do exactly what the (insert expletive here) I want to do and dare you to call me on it. In fact, I double-dog dare you (wicked smile and dancing eyebrows).

Now don't get it twisted, I'm not about to become a complete jerk, but I am about to be a little free-er (is that even a word) about any and everything I want -- aaaaannnnnd, if you don't like it, might I suggest you do a Spaulding and B_O_U_N_C_E. Forewarned is forearmed I always say. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Forty is freakishly fabulous, freeing, fresh and feminine. Dare I say, me likey a lot.

LATER on SCENES: The real dirt (stay tuned).
