Friday, February 26, 2010

Hurry Up!

I am in need of summertime. Windows down, music blaring (rap, smooth jazz and some ol skool jams). So hot my skin is sticking to the leather seats of my ride. I'm smellin all good and what-not, big silver hoops dangling from the tiny holes in my lobes. Legs and shoulders all oiled up and glistening from the baby oil. Body glowing from a poolside tan. Toes painted, high heels on. Hair wild, unruly and sexy. No need for make-up, cheeks naturally rosy. Lips glossy (you'll never catch me without a shine on my pucker). Cool shades on...of course. A little money in my bag for frivolous purposes. Dining on the patio of some eatery, chillin wit my gurls, sippin sangria and takin tequila shots to tha head. Boys walkin by, watchin us, winkin and wavin, tryna get my attention and tryna make me smile. I toss my head back and laugh out loud...all the while thinking private thoughts and doin a lil shimmy in my seat at the tune that plays in my mind..."today was a good day." Man, am I in need of summertime.