Tuesday, May 19, 2009

God isn't so Mysterious Afterall

Hello Good People:

It's been awhile since I've checked in. What can I say? I write when I'm inspired. When I'm not, I keep my trap shut. Hope all is well in your world.

I've heard it said that "God works in mysterious ways" and while I'm sure that I'm not privy to everything He's up to, sometimes He's very point blank and puts it right out there for everyone to admire. I'm thankful when He speaks plain English. I'm a little slow on the uptake from time to time, impatient and not always paying attention, so when He picks me up, strategically places me where He wants me and winds me up and says "Go child, go!" I am very grateful.

Personally and professionally things don't always go the way I want or expect, but when I'm obedient and faithful He answers. God has my life all mapped out for me. Road bumps, orange cones, speeding tickets, potholes and all.

Recently, I've gone above and beyond what my human self wanted to do, but God said "Do this" "Don't tarry" "Don't question" "I'm using you" "You are just the vessel" "It feels odd, but do my will" and so I did. While everyone around me was saying "Gurl...that ain't what I woulda done" "Chile, umph nooooooo, I don't think so" "Chick, you are better than me, cuz I woulda...." Now don't get it twisted...these are my peeps. They got my back and I am GRATEFUL for their support, their ear and their energy, but I knew all along He was using me... I just thought I woulda gotta lil sumthin outta the deal...and guess what...I did. (laughing) IT JUST WASN'T WHAT I THOUGHT I'D GET. Ever heard about God's sense of humor? Well, He definitely has one and it's a doosie.

The blessings I received today far surpass my expectations. In fact, I had no idea what was in store for me, but He knew. And all I had to do was be obedient. Do His will. Listen.

I'm growing people.

A friend of mine, Jerome Gray, recently posted a tidbit on his Facebook page: It reads "Lift as you climb." I've tailored it a bit to better suit me: "Lift, it builds great muscles for climbing."

Ha! I don told you...ya'll ain't ready. See you on my way to the top. I don't know if you will be over me or under me, but if you are in either position don't forget to do your exercises. Lifting and climbing BOTH do a heart good!

Holla if you hear me.
