Monday, May 4, 2009

Failure is not Defeat: March 18, 2009

Hello Peeps:

I didn't forget about you, I just wasn't near my laptop yesterday.

So here it is...the thought for the day: FAILURE IS NOT DEFEAT.

I hope you enjoy this excerpt/snippet from Michael Durham's Morning Meditation.

Failure doesn't mean you're a failure, it means you haven't succeeded yet.
Failure doesn't mean you've accomplished nothing, it means you’ve learned something.
Failure doesn't mean you've been a fool, it means you had a lot of faith.
Failure doesn't mean you've been disgraced, it means you were willing to try.
Failure doesn't mean you don't have it, it means you have to do something in a different way. Failure doesn't mean you're inferior, it means you're not perfect.
Failure doesn't mean you've wasted your life, it means you've a reason to start afresh.
Failure doesn't mean you should give up, it means you should try harder.
Failure doesn't mean you'll never make it, it means it'll take a little longer.
Failure doesn't mean God has abandoned you, it means God has a better idea!

Much love,

What Are You Doing at 2:38am?: March 25, 2009



Although it's 0'dark thirty it is officially Wednesday, so here I go. What up, what up, what up? Or may I should say Who up, Who up, Who up?

How ya livin'?

I don't have anything profound for you this morning. My only offering is just what's on my mind at this very moment. Random thought for this Hump Day: WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME???

When was the last time you...?

Put God first and watched Him work in your life
Stayed up all night long, just talking to that special person
Kissed, again and again and again and again and again, but did nothing else
Ate dessert first
Fell in love
Let go of your past and moved on to your future
Watched a movie you wouldn't normally watch
Made a new friend
Extended yourself and helped someone out and expected nothing in return
Donated your time or clothing to a worthy cause or charity
Were completely honest (trust me, it's liberating)
Talked to your BEST FRIEND - the person who knows you and loves your butt anyway
Spoke up and made a suggestion
Laughed until you cried
Read a book (magazines don't count)
Listened to some GOOD music: Teena Marie, Earth Wind & Fire, Chaka Kahn, The Whispers
Swam in the ocean (naked)
Went swimming while it was raining outside
Watched a sunrise or a sunset
Gave a foot massage/Got a foot massage
Sat quietly and listened to your thoughts
Went for a looooooooooong drive with no paticular destination in mind

This is just my silly list, but I'd love to hear back and find out WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU...???

Quote for the Day: "We regret most the chances in life we never took" Author Unknown to Me

Word for the Day: Concupiscence (noun) a strong desire, especially sexual desire; lust

As always, I'm thinking of you all.

Peace and Love,

Follow Your Passion: April 1, 2009

Good Morning:

It's another rainy day here in The A, but I'm still gonna make it do what it do baby.

On my drive in to work this morning I had a long chat with my handsome boo about me getting back to doing me. God has blessed me with the gift of CREATIVITY. Among other things - I write, I design t-shirts, I decorate a mean crib...Creativity is my PASSION.

So the message to you this week is: DO YOU BOO! What is your PASSION?

Hone your skills, take that class, find a mentor, carve out time to follow your dreams, focus on your goals...Spend less time talkin 'bout it and be about it. God has blessed us all to do something.

Is your PASSION singing, working on motorcycles, web design, party planning, getting that bomb azz idea patented, starting your own business??? Whatever it is...GET ON IT! TODAY!! DON'T WASTE ANOTHER MINUTE settling for the life you have!!! Go out and get the life you want!!!! The life that God has planned for you.

Quote for the Day: "Well-behaved women rarely make history." Author Unknown to Me

I don't know about you, but I'm about to show out. ;-)

Peace and Love,

I Got That Feeling: April 8, 2009

What up?! What up?! What up?!

How are you all doing on this wonderful Wednesday? I hope this email finds you all in excellent health and high spirits! I have come across all kinds of great energy and messages filled with positivity this week so I'm gonna share a couple of quotes with you we go.

"People are interested in the person who is interested in them. You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." - Dale Carnegie

"Some people are important because they make themselves so. Some people are important because other people make them so. Other people are important beacause God makes them so. They are the people who never brag or boast or know so." - Author Unknown to Me

Just two little bits for you to mull over and give a little thought to as you live your life and enjoy your day.

Lately people have noticed that I seem HAPPIER. I am. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is the easiest thing to do...Love someone openly and freely without expectation or reservation. Allow yourself to be vulnerable - allow your real self to be seen. Open your heart and give of yourself, again, without expectation - it's such a GOOD FEELING!

In closing, I am a giving person by nature, it's how I've always been. I was told yesterday by a friend that she knew of a woman who was so giving, as long as she was wearing a bra she'd probably give you the shirt off her back. Maybe that's overdoing it, but you get the idea. (smile)

I dare you to GIVE this week. To a child, to a stranger, to your family, your community, your church, to a friend, to an enemy. Just give somebody something and see if it doesn't make YOU FEEL GOOD.

SouthernBikers - sending tons of positive energy your way today and everyday. A special shout out to my love and my heart JMG, my homegurl Hunee and my cool dudes Bobby J and Jon-Jon. Be safe ya'll.


Seasons and Reasons: April 15, 2009

Wzup Peeps!

It might be a little early but it is officially Wednesday and I am in full effect. Hope you all have had a wonderful week thus far. I've been hangin out in S.C. for the past couple of days and I see ya'll rollin'. Lovin it! Lovin it!. It's a good look S.C.

Are many of you on FaceBook? I recently signed up and have come into contact with A LOT of people that were once in my life, but for whatever reason, we parted ways and now we're reconnecting again. It feels good. I know some people are only in our lives for a SEASON or a REASON, but seasons change...reasons do too.

I guess my message this week is: REACH OUT. If there is a riff between you and a loved one or an old friend or just some people you lost among the shuffle of living a busy life, reach out and give them a call. Send an email, look them up on the internet, call their momma and ask for their new cell number. I bet they'll be glad to hear from you...if not, at least you gave it a shot and no harm no foul.

Today is a NEW day. What happened in the past is exactly that...the past. Holding on to ill feelings, grudges and hatred only shortens your life. Lighten up and be a light to someone who needs it. Right now someone needs to know they are loved, important, that they matter, that someone somewhere cares about them. Why don't you give them a shout and let them know how much they mean to you.

Quote for the Day: "Be the bigger person and bury the hatchet (but not in their heads lol)." Niko Grey

Peace and Love to my SouthernBikers. I'm sending goo gobs (that's a whole lot) of good vibrations and positive energy your way.


PS - A Special WHOOP WHOOP to Gary Ray. He says I left him out last week. Now there - you got your spotlight better shine so the world can see you! Have a GREAT day!!!

Let's Get it Started: April 22, 2009


Clarity: April 29, 2009

Good morning People:

Before I get started today, let me hip you to something…it’s been a heck of a week for me. You know if I had to hit cha’ll with the DISCLAIMER it’s about to be off da chain.

The thought for today is "CLARITY".

Clarity: (noun) clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity; the state or quality of being clear or transparent to the eye

I could just stop there and let that one marinate, but I’m a writer, and I’d like to elaborate a tiny bit if you’ll indulge me. I have been slammed the past couple of days with all kinds of insight to a personal situation I'm in. Some came in written form, some verbal and even spiritually. It’s been crazy trying to sift through it all and determine what information I should keep close at hand and what I should let go of, but this morning it all became CLEAR. I don’t know about you, but when my inner struggle stops and everything around me is calm, then and only then can I use SOUND JUDGEMENT and make SOUND DECISIONS. I did a little “mental spinning” this week, but once I let go and let God I got just what I needed…CLARITY!

To wrap it all up, I’ll put it simply: If it barks it’s a dog, if it quacks it’s a duck and if it stinks…well…you see where I’m going with this one (smile).

Actions always speak louder than words, so pay close attention to HOW PEOPLE TREAT YOU. If you’re not being treated in a manner that is appealing to you, then I suggest you bounce.

Quote for the Day: “Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is?” Frank Scully

In closing, tonight is Bike Night in my city and I’m hangin’. Hope to run into some of the ATL ridahs on Camp Creek. Be safe ya’ll and be CLEAR in your ACTIONS.

Much love,