Friday, February 26, 2010

Hurry Up!

I am in need of summertime. Windows down, music blaring (rap, smooth jazz and some ol skool jams). So hot my skin is sticking to the leather seats of my ride. I'm smellin all good and what-not, big silver hoops dangling from the tiny holes in my lobes. Legs and shoulders all oiled up and glistening from the baby oil. Body glowing from a poolside tan. Toes painted, high heels on. Hair wild, unruly and sexy. No need for make-up, cheeks naturally rosy. Lips glossy (you'll never catch me without a shine on my pucker). Cool shades on...of course. A little money in my bag for frivolous purposes. Dining on the patio of some eatery, chillin wit my gurls, sippin sangria and takin tequila shots to tha head. Boys walkin by, watchin us, winkin and wavin, tryna get my attention and tryna make me smile. I toss my head back and laugh out loud...all the while thinking private thoughts and doin a lil shimmy in my seat at the tune that plays in my mind..."today was a good day." Man, am I in need of summertime.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

In the words of Salt N Pepa: I'll Take Your Man (NOT)

Wow...I just got my first UNWARRANTED Facebook "slap". Dude - you really need to check your girl and get your business in order. Imagine my surprise and dismay to open my email to find a NASTY note from your girl. She basically called me everything except a child of God and the trip part is I'm not the one she should be directing her rant towards - it wasn't, nor has it ever been me. On top of which she's a COWARD for emailing me and then blocking her account so I can't reply. I hope she is still accessing FB and seeing my wall posts and photos through YOUR account because I'm inviting her to reach-out again. DNJ: I do not want your man. Have never so much as kissed him on the lips - let alone all the things you WRONGLY accused me of. You must really be hurt and insecure -- that one innocent picture (just like the ones he takes with EVERY chick he knows) has you so twisted you were forced to use my first AND last name as you were blasting me for something I didn't do. I'm angry because I'm unable to directly defend myself against your inaccurate tirade and am forced to post this nonsense just to vent (until your dude returns my phone call then I can let him have it as well). It's obvious that you and your man have problems and major trust issues, but trust this boo...If I wanted him, we would have been there done that, but contrary to your beliefs, every woman is not a whore, nor after what you think is yours. YOU should be ashamed of YOURSELF for jumping the gun and calling out THE WRONG CHICK. I guess I should start to expect blocked calls to show up on my phone next huh??? Do us both a favor doll and be woman enough to actually make yourself known and engage in conversation. Note: The ONLY thing I am ashamed of right now is having him as a buddy, poor judgment choice on my part since he obviously can't keep his life in check. You should RE-CHECK your lame facts and incorrect information -- I'm sure you will find that you owe me a HUGE apology. There might be some woman or women your dude is involved with, but I AM NOT ONE OF THEM. Lastly, him telling me to make my account PRIVATE - you must be on crack!!! NOT!!! For what??? We are just buddies - he don't run this, cuz one doesn't control their FRIENDS! What a dumbass you are. Silly Rabbit...tricks are for kids. Sincerely, Nicole R. Grays (don't forget to add my middle initial the next time you wanna go off on me, you stupid, sneaky, immature cow). For those who know me...somebody better tell this ignorant broad who I am and quick. A REAL woman knows you don't attack the "other woman" (which I AM NOT) you check YOUR MAN. Humph! I'm done with this!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Forty and Fabulous

What a title huh?!? Sigh...well, keeping in line with my thoughts as of late IIWII. That my dear readers means: It is what it is.

Those of you who know me personally, and love me ANYWAY, know that I can toss the F word better than Vick, McNabb, Romo or Culpepper can throw a pigskin and I do so frequently and with abandon! Apologies if I've offended thine ears.

They say (and don't ask me who 'they' are) that when you turn forty everything changes. I'm here to tell you - I'm on day 19 of being newly 40 -- things in the game done changed and I'm lovin every minute of it.

Although I've never been one to shy away from a good set of Wahl clippers, I have been rocking a mega weave for almost a year now and at one point (before the big 4-0) I was having withdrawl symptoms if I wasn't able to get it tightened up on a regular. I had to grab ahold of myself and quick, 'cause Niko Grey cannot and will not let some hair (especially someone elses) run thangs up in here (lol). Needless to say, I've recently cut off all my hair -- the $500 weave and my own and damn if I don't look good either way! (wink)

I've also never been one to rely heavily on the words of others, although as a human being, I'd be lying if I said others opinions of me hadn't made me think (not act) differently about my actions from time to time. However, these past fews days I've had a revelation: I don't care what you think of me or say about me or to me. In fact, I'm thinking of making a t-shirt that reads: SNITCHES DON'T LIKE ME (and I don't care).

Forty is liberating. It's an excellent excuse to do exactly what the (insert expletive here) I want to do and dare you to call me on it. In fact, I double-dog dare you (wicked smile and dancing eyebrows).

Now don't get it twisted, I'm not about to become a complete jerk, but I am about to be a little free-er (is that even a word) about any and everything I want -- aaaaannnnnd, if you don't like it, might I suggest you do a Spaulding and B_O_U_N_C_E. Forewarned is forearmed I always say. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Forty is freakishly fabulous, freeing, fresh and feminine. Dare I say, me likey a lot.

LATER on SCENES: The real dirt (stay tuned).


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hello Peoples.

My bad (and a self-inflicted slap on the wrist) for not writing sooner. I’ve been a little busy with my side hustle. I’ve recently started acting as a talent manager for Terry Cummings, retired baller, now R&B singer and I have been busy as heck. Sorry for neglecting my post.

There was a tidbit from Rev Run a week or so ago that read: “WANT MORE? Big jobs usually go to those who out grew their small jobs! Remember, nobody's giving gallon jobs to half pint people!” With my newly added side gig I guess I’ve outgrown my present status and am moving towards my future status, which brings me to my “inspirational vitamin” for last week (thanks for that phrase Stallion).

Weekly Thought: “You can’t use the PAST to fill what’s missing in the PRESENT.”

How many of us spend time focusing on what was? Dwelling on hurt feelings, licking old wounds, bringing up old $#&%, crying over missed opportunities, looking for old loves and regretting past mistakes…you know, basically wishing for a “do-over”. It’s kinda like you missed your life calling and wishing it would call back (smile).

Be happy TODAY...focus on TODAY...relish TODAY...appreciate for TODAY and then look forward to TOMORROW and all that might come with it, whether it be rainbows or thunderstorms. Now, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t reflect on what was (then keep it pushin folks). You gotta learn from your past or you’ll keep repeating that same old tune, which will eventually turn into an old broken record. Trust me on this. I know.

Today is a new day. Another chance to get it right. Another chance to do something pleasing in God’s sight. Tomorrow is not promised and yesterday is a wrap, so let’s get it going people!!! How will you make it better TODAY?!? I promise you, as soon as you let go of all that WAS you will clearly see all that IS. It’s right in front of your face. Pop in those contacts, clean off your glasses or better yet, just OPEN YOUR EYES.

In closing, let’s have a moment of silence for the PAST. (all heads bowed, all eyes closed) Amen.

Laugh, Love and LIVE.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

God isn't so Mysterious Afterall

Hello Good People:

It's been awhile since I've checked in. What can I say? I write when I'm inspired. When I'm not, I keep my trap shut. Hope all is well in your world.

I've heard it said that "God works in mysterious ways" and while I'm sure that I'm not privy to everything He's up to, sometimes He's very point blank and puts it right out there for everyone to admire. I'm thankful when He speaks plain English. I'm a little slow on the uptake from time to time, impatient and not always paying attention, so when He picks me up, strategically places me where He wants me and winds me up and says "Go child, go!" I am very grateful.

Personally and professionally things don't always go the way I want or expect, but when I'm obedient and faithful He answers. God has my life all mapped out for me. Road bumps, orange cones, speeding tickets, potholes and all.

Recently, I've gone above and beyond what my human self wanted to do, but God said "Do this" "Don't tarry" "Don't question" "I'm using you" "You are just the vessel" "It feels odd, but do my will" and so I did. While everyone around me was saying "Gurl...that ain't what I woulda done" "Chile, umph nooooooo, I don't think so" "Chick, you are better than me, cuz I woulda...." Now don't get it twisted...these are my peeps. They got my back and I am GRATEFUL for their support, their ear and their energy, but I knew all along He was using me... I just thought I woulda gotta lil sumthin outta the deal...and guess what...I did. (laughing) IT JUST WASN'T WHAT I THOUGHT I'D GET. Ever heard about God's sense of humor? Well, He definitely has one and it's a doosie.

The blessings I received today far surpass my expectations. In fact, I had no idea what was in store for me, but He knew. And all I had to do was be obedient. Do His will. Listen.

I'm growing people.

A friend of mine, Jerome Gray, recently posted a tidbit on his Facebook page: It reads "Lift as you climb." I've tailored it a bit to better suit me: "Lift, it builds great muscles for climbing."

Ha! I don told you...ya'll ain't ready. See you on my way to the top. I don't know if you will be over me or under me, but if you are in either position don't forget to do your exercises. Lifting and climbing BOTH do a heart good!

Holla if you hear me.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Who the Heck is Corrie Ten Boom? Anybody???

Hello Good People:

I haven't blogged for 2 days and I am starting to have withdrawal symptoms. I hope you all had a splendiferous weekend. Mine was mild but very interesting (more on this later).

After my Friday night fiasco of losing all that I typed, I almost chucked my laptop out onto the patio, but I’ve decided to not hold a grudge against the SAVE button (and my jacked up memory for failing to click said button) and get on with it.

I came across a juicy tidbit on my FB (facebook) page today and it sums up EXACTLY how I feel, so I will let this be my jumping off point today: "When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer." Corrie Ten Boom

Now, I have no freakin' idea who Corrie Ten Boom is, but that little nugget stopped me dead in my tracks when I read it.

I am not a patient person.
I am not a patient person.
I am not a patient person.
(working on this)

I'm the kinda chick who doesn't INSTINCTIVELY trust the engineer. I'm the kinda chick who first yells and screams at the top of her lungs: IT'S DARK. WHAT'S GOING ON? HURRY UP AND GET ME OUTTA HERE!!! Then I do a reality check and say to myself "Self, get it together. You are not running the show. Just get in, sit down, shut up and hold on. Everything is going to be just peachy."

That's sad isn't it? (Smiling) Well at least I acknowledge MY faults...can you say the same? LOL

Corrie Ten Boom is talking about FAITH. Simply put, faith is the belief in something or someone unseen. If I don't trust the engineer then that means I'm lacking faith. How uncool is that?

Have you checked your faith levels lately? Are you running on full, half or empty? Is something happening in your life that is testing your faith in the engineer? How are you going to handle the situation? Will you sit still and know that the engineer knows what He is doing and know that He will get you through? Or will you first scream like a banshee and cut up like I have a tendency to do (from time to time)?

Let's get it together people. Let's check the nonsense at the door and let the engineer do His thang. I'm learning as I go that when I trust in Him the train ride is a smooth journey, the dark tunnel will have light at the end of it and when I arrive at my destination I will be exactly where I'm supposed to be.

(((((((hugs))))))) if you need one.

Friday, May 8, 2009


My first roadblock. I've been typing for an hour working on tonight's post. I went to preview it without saving it first and all my work is gone. I am literally sitting here pulling out my hair (with my free hand, I'm typing with the other). Let me see if I can recreate it. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Into every life a little rain must fall. Cheese and crackers people. :-P