Thursday, September 24, 2009

In the words of Salt N Pepa: I'll Take Your Man (NOT)

Wow...I just got my first UNWARRANTED Facebook "slap". Dude - you really need to check your girl and get your business in order. Imagine my surprise and dismay to open my email to find a NASTY note from your girl. She basically called me everything except a child of God and the trip part is I'm not the one she should be directing her rant towards - it wasn't, nor has it ever been me. On top of which she's a COWARD for emailing me and then blocking her account so I can't reply. I hope she is still accessing FB and seeing my wall posts and photos through YOUR account because I'm inviting her to reach-out again. DNJ: I do not want your man. Have never so much as kissed him on the lips - let alone all the things you WRONGLY accused me of. You must really be hurt and insecure -- that one innocent picture (just like the ones he takes with EVERY chick he knows) has you so twisted you were forced to use my first AND last name as you were blasting me for something I didn't do. I'm angry because I'm unable to directly defend myself against your inaccurate tirade and am forced to post this nonsense just to vent (until your dude returns my phone call then I can let him have it as well). It's obvious that you and your man have problems and major trust issues, but trust this boo...If I wanted him, we would have been there done that, but contrary to your beliefs, every woman is not a whore, nor after what you think is yours. YOU should be ashamed of YOURSELF for jumping the gun and calling out THE WRONG CHICK. I guess I should start to expect blocked calls to show up on my phone next huh??? Do us both a favor doll and be woman enough to actually make yourself known and engage in conversation. Note: The ONLY thing I am ashamed of right now is having him as a buddy, poor judgment choice on my part since he obviously can't keep his life in check. You should RE-CHECK your lame facts and incorrect information -- I'm sure you will find that you owe me a HUGE apology. There might be some woman or women your dude is involved with, but I AM NOT ONE OF THEM. Lastly, him telling me to make my account PRIVATE - you must be on crack!!! NOT!!! For what??? We are just buddies - he don't run this, cuz one doesn't control their FRIENDS! What a dumbass you are. Silly Rabbit...tricks are for kids. Sincerely, Nicole R. Grays (don't forget to add my middle initial the next time you wanna go off on me, you stupid, sneaky, immature cow). For those who know me...somebody better tell this ignorant broad who I am and quick. A REAL woman knows you don't attack the "other woman" (which I AM NOT) you check YOUR MAN. Humph! I'm done with this!

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