Monday, May 4, 2009

Clarity: April 29, 2009

Good morning People:

Before I get started today, let me hip you to something…it’s been a heck of a week for me. You know if I had to hit cha’ll with the DISCLAIMER it’s about to be off da chain.

The thought for today is "CLARITY".

Clarity: (noun) clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity; the state or quality of being clear or transparent to the eye

I could just stop there and let that one marinate, but I’m a writer, and I’d like to elaborate a tiny bit if you’ll indulge me. I have been slammed the past couple of days with all kinds of insight to a personal situation I'm in. Some came in written form, some verbal and even spiritually. It’s been crazy trying to sift through it all and determine what information I should keep close at hand and what I should let go of, but this morning it all became CLEAR. I don’t know about you, but when my inner struggle stops and everything around me is calm, then and only then can I use SOUND JUDGEMENT and make SOUND DECISIONS. I did a little “mental spinning” this week, but once I let go and let God I got just what I needed…CLARITY!

To wrap it all up, I’ll put it simply: If it barks it’s a dog, if it quacks it’s a duck and if it stinks…well…you see where I’m going with this one (smile).

Actions always speak louder than words, so pay close attention to HOW PEOPLE TREAT YOU. If you’re not being treated in a manner that is appealing to you, then I suggest you bounce.

Quote for the Day: “Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is?” Frank Scully

In closing, tonight is Bike Night in my city and I’m hangin’. Hope to run into some of the ATL ridahs on Camp Creek. Be safe ya’ll and be CLEAR in your ACTIONS.

Much love,

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