Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hush Yo Mouf.

Good Evening Folks:

It's a humid Friday Eve here in The A. Work was work and a sistah is glad to be home. I'm sitting in the middle of my fluffy, queen sized bed watching 106 & Park on BET. They are showing a Keyshia Cole 'flashback joint' and I'm swaying back and forth and singing along. I just talked to my home gurl Esti and she asked if I started blogging for the night. I told her I was just logging on and what my subject matter for the day would be...then she said "Oh boy". So here we go...

Have you ever met a person who makes you want to say "Please. Put a sock in it!"? The kind of person who makes you want to say "Just shut up already!"? I have. In fact, I've probably even been THAT person (lol). The bible says: 'study' to be quiet. It doesn't say anything about 'taking a crash course' (thanks Esti).

Just because you have something to say doesn't always mean you should actually say it. Some thoughts should remain as your pretty little head. I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to speak my mind, which isn't always appropriate, but it's difficult for me to hold back and so I just blurt things out as I see fit and because I feel like it. Besides, you're not the boss of me (smile). This is sometimes offensive to others, so I'm learning to pull back a little and tailor my convo to fit the MOOD of those around me or the SITUATION.

The flip side of that is WORDS are very liberating and powerful. They can encourage, persuade, incite, soothe, enrage, calm, impact, change, motivate, inspire, hurt, expose, amuse, confuse, heal, comfort, placate, convince...this list can go on and on...

Let's watch what we say people. Let's not just rattle off stuff to hear the sound of our own voices. Let's not be afraid or uncomfortable with silence. Let's think BEFORE we speak. Let's have something worth saying before we open our pie holes. Most importantly it's never WHAT we say, but HOW we say it.

In closing, here is a quip I received via email a day or so ago.

Four things you can't recover:
The time.....after it's gone.
The occasion.....after it's missed.
The stone.....after it's thrown.
The WORD.....after it's said.

If any of this hit too close to home for some of you, the wound can only sting if it's open. On that note, Im out. WORD to yo mutha'.


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