Monday, May 4, 2009

Seasons and Reasons: April 15, 2009

Wzup Peeps!

It might be a little early but it is officially Wednesday and I am in full effect. Hope you all have had a wonderful week thus far. I've been hangin out in S.C. for the past couple of days and I see ya'll rollin'. Lovin it! Lovin it!. It's a good look S.C.

Are many of you on FaceBook? I recently signed up and have come into contact with A LOT of people that were once in my life, but for whatever reason, we parted ways and now we're reconnecting again. It feels good. I know some people are only in our lives for a SEASON or a REASON, but seasons change...reasons do too.

I guess my message this week is: REACH OUT. If there is a riff between you and a loved one or an old friend or just some people you lost among the shuffle of living a busy life, reach out and give them a call. Send an email, look them up on the internet, call their momma and ask for their new cell number. I bet they'll be glad to hear from you...if not, at least you gave it a shot and no harm no foul.

Today is a NEW day. What happened in the past is exactly that...the past. Holding on to ill feelings, grudges and hatred only shortens your life. Lighten up and be a light to someone who needs it. Right now someone needs to know they are loved, important, that they matter, that someone somewhere cares about them. Why don't you give them a shout and let them know how much they mean to you.

Quote for the Day: "Be the bigger person and bury the hatchet (but not in their heads lol)." Niko Grey

Peace and Love to my SouthernBikers. I'm sending goo gobs (that's a whole lot) of good vibrations and positive energy your way.


PS - A Special WHOOP WHOOP to Gary Ray. He says I left him out last week. Now there - you got your spotlight better shine so the world can see you! Have a GREAT day!!!

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