Monday, May 4, 2009

I Got That Feeling: April 8, 2009

What up?! What up?! What up?!

How are you all doing on this wonderful Wednesday? I hope this email finds you all in excellent health and high spirits! I have come across all kinds of great energy and messages filled with positivity this week so I'm gonna share a couple of quotes with you we go.

"People are interested in the person who is interested in them. You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." - Dale Carnegie

"Some people are important because they make themselves so. Some people are important because other people make them so. Other people are important beacause God makes them so. They are the people who never brag or boast or know so." - Author Unknown to Me

Just two little bits for you to mull over and give a little thought to as you live your life and enjoy your day.

Lately people have noticed that I seem HAPPIER. I am. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is the easiest thing to do...Love someone openly and freely without expectation or reservation. Allow yourself to be vulnerable - allow your real self to be seen. Open your heart and give of yourself, again, without expectation - it's such a GOOD FEELING!

In closing, I am a giving person by nature, it's how I've always been. I was told yesterday by a friend that she knew of a woman who was so giving, as long as she was wearing a bra she'd probably give you the shirt off her back. Maybe that's overdoing it, but you get the idea. (smile)

I dare you to GIVE this week. To a child, to a stranger, to your family, your community, your church, to a friend, to an enemy. Just give somebody something and see if it doesn't make YOU FEEL GOOD.

SouthernBikers - sending tons of positive energy your way today and everyday. A special shout out to my love and my heart JMG, my homegurl Hunee and my cool dudes Bobby J and Jon-Jon. Be safe ya'll.


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