Monday, May 4, 2009

What Are You Doing at 2:38am?: March 25, 2009



Although it's 0'dark thirty it is officially Wednesday, so here I go. What up, what up, what up? Or may I should say Who up, Who up, Who up?

How ya livin'?

I don't have anything profound for you this morning. My only offering is just what's on my mind at this very moment. Random thought for this Hump Day: WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME???

When was the last time you...?

Put God first and watched Him work in your life
Stayed up all night long, just talking to that special person
Kissed, again and again and again and again and again, but did nothing else
Ate dessert first
Fell in love
Let go of your past and moved on to your future
Watched a movie you wouldn't normally watch
Made a new friend
Extended yourself and helped someone out and expected nothing in return
Donated your time or clothing to a worthy cause or charity
Were completely honest (trust me, it's liberating)
Talked to your BEST FRIEND - the person who knows you and loves your butt anyway
Spoke up and made a suggestion
Laughed until you cried
Read a book (magazines don't count)
Listened to some GOOD music: Teena Marie, Earth Wind & Fire, Chaka Kahn, The Whispers
Swam in the ocean (naked)
Went swimming while it was raining outside
Watched a sunrise or a sunset
Gave a foot massage/Got a foot massage
Sat quietly and listened to your thoughts
Went for a looooooooooong drive with no paticular destination in mind

This is just my silly list, but I'd love to hear back and find out WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU...???

Quote for the Day: "We regret most the chances in life we never took" Author Unknown to Me

Word for the Day: Concupiscence (noun) a strong desire, especially sexual desire; lust

As always, I'm thinking of you all.

Peace and Love,

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